DCC Secondary Transition to Employment Program (STEP)

 What is STEP?

  • A collaborative effort among FCPS staff and businesses in Fairfax County to provide students aged 18 to 22 with employment training in real work settings.


  • Placement in the STEP classroom is an IEP decision and is not included as part of the regular DCC student selection process. STEP students will work with their teachers at the beginning of the school year to determine and self-select independent job placements.

 Program Goals

  • The goal of STEP is to expand opportunities for students whose postsecondary goals is competitive/integrated employment; these opportunities allow students to be better prepared to transition out of school as well as expand their exposure to the communities in which they will live and work.
  • Provide career, social skills, and independent living skills training to students with disabilities ages 18-22.
  • Empower a diverse population of students for transition to a variety of post-secondary options.
  • Coordinate the transition of all students with postsecondary services.

 Features of STEP

  • Job Coaches
    • Provide initial, time-limited assistance to students
    • Assist students who have the potential for independent employment but need individualized, short-term, on-the-job supports and training to succeed
    • Facilitate student orientation to the work environment
    • Ensure student worker and employer have clear expectations regarding assigned tasks/job duties
    • Establish a daily work routine and schedule
    • Assist the student in identifying natural supports
    • Gradually fade support as the student becomes able to perform job tasks independently
    • Once faded, STEP teachers and paraprofessionals continue to provide intermittent follow-up support and check-ins
  • Community-Based Instruction
    • Further increases a student’s ability to successfully access and navigate their communities
  • Travel Training
    • For students who have demonstrated the ability to travel independently within their communities

 Job Placement

  • Job place for each STEP is done on an individual basis and is a collaboration between the students and the STEP teachers. The teaching staff will work with students to determine the best placement and proceed to prepare the students to apply and interview for positions. STEP students are not guaranteed the jobs they apply for since the employer makes the final decision; teachers will continue to work with students until a proper placement is obtained.